How is lumbar spine pain treated?

Do you spend a lot of time in a sitting position because of work or hobby, or do you train a lot in the gym? Everything was fine before, but now you have frequent pain in the back and lumbar region? So, maybe you should seek medical help? What causes back pain? Which doctor should I go to and how should I deal with the wound? We will talk about this and much later in the article.

What causes pain?

So, "What to do if your back hurts and what can cause it? " Let’s take a closer look at this question. There may be more than enough reasons. The fact is that the pain in the back and lower back can signal a lot of disease, both in the spine and internal organs. This is due to the fact that many nerve endings, which surround all the internal organs, are directed from the spine. Therefore, depending on the localization of pain in a particular area of the ridge, we can talk about some specific diseases.

Back pain

Causes of occurrence

What does low back pain say and which doctor should I consult with them? Habits and diseases can cause pain in the lower back. The first is:

  • Permanent sedentary work. IT employees and drivers are at risk.
  • Constant constant work.
  • Frequent large physical activity. Athletes, especially weightlifters, are at risk.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • A separate risk group includes pregnant women and women who have recently given birth.
  • Excess weight.

As you can see, everything is simple with habits. As for the second case, often the pain in the lumbar region can be caused by diseases. Here you can also highlight the diseases of the spine themselves and diseases in which pain in the lumbar region is only a symptom. The first include osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis, intervertebral hernia, and protrusion.

Spinal hernia as a cause of spinal pain

The second group includes the following possible causes of back pain:

  • Ridge fracture due to injury.
  • Fracture caused by osteoporosis.
  • The tumor is localized in the spinal canal.
  • Prolonged muscle tension.
  • Narrow structure of the spinal canal (quite rare).
  • Various complications during pregnancy.
  • Various arthritis such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis.
  • Spinal deformities, for example, kyphosis, scoliosis, Scherman-mouse disease, kyphoscoliosis.
  • Spinal tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, discitis.
  • Urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
  • Ovarian cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cyst.

When should you see a doctor?

Minor back pain that passes quickly and is the result of prolonged exercise is the norm. But if the lower part hurts for quite a long period of time or the pain is intermittent, then it arises by itself, then disappears, then it is worth the alarm. You should also go to the hospital immediately after a severe spinal cord injury. It should be understood that low back pain may be accompanied by pain in the leg or lower leg. Also, part of the leg or buttocks may be numb. In this case, you have something serious and should investigate as soon as possible.

You are less likely to diagnose yourself, so you should go to the hospital, but which doctor should you go to? Someone will call a chiropractor and someone will say a neurologist is more experienced. Both options are correct, however, it would be more correct to consult a neurologist as he will be able to correctly diagnose and conduct the entire course of diagnosing the disease. And in this case, the cause will be more accurately identified and all chances will be successfully dealt with. So, from the point of view of a neurologist, with lower back pain, considering the intensity and strength of the pain, you can roughly determine the cause of its origin.

See a doctor for back pain

Acute pains

Acute lower back pain in men and women is the result of recent injury (falls, muscle tension, shock, sudden movements). Also, the reason may be prolonged work in one uncomfortable position or prolongation and lifting of heavy items. Lastly, do not forget about the cold back, due to hypothermia or prolonged drawing. Here you can easily cure low back pain with folk remedies.

The movement of the lumbago and intervertebral discs can be distinguished from the common ones. The first disease is experienced by people whose field of activity involves constant heavy physical labor, which is why the lower part hurts in men. According to people, the disease is called "lumbago". It usually stops after a break or a few days. However, this can easily take up to a month, so it requires at least home treatment for back pain.

Pain in the lumbar spine

Acute and severe pain in the lower back is also manifested when moving the intervertebral discs. The disease can be caused by various types of injuries, hard physical labor or diseases such as osteochondrosis. You will not be able to get medical treatment at home. Hospitalization and full diagnosis are required. May even achieve surgical intervention.

Acute pain

Acute pain differs from acute pain in that it is more prolonged in nature and is the result of some kind of disease related to the musculoskeletal system. These include sciatica and osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. With them, lumbar pain in the lower back is felt during wheezing, coughing, sitting, walking, in a word, the back hurts during any movement. Also, pain may be given to the lower extremities and even they may become numb. There is no need to run here, but to fly to the attending physician for examination.

Lower back pain in a woman

it hurts

Typically, back pain can be caused by a sharp strong tension in the spinal muscles. You can relieve low back pain with just a few hours of rest. But you should not fly in the clouds, you should be vigilant, because back pain can cause severe hypothermia. Thus, a more chronic disease of myositis may develop, in which the psoriatic muscles become inflamed. In this case, you need a few days of rest, as well as knowledge of how to remove the pain.


Often caused by deformity of the spondylosis. The main symptoms of this disease are belt pain in the lower back that radiates to the buttocks or legs. Numbness of the lower extremities may also occur. Other diseases that cause similar symptoms include: cancer, metabolic disorders, ankylosing spondylitis.


Such painful sensations are not the result of a disease of the spine, but the result of a disease of any organ that enters the dorsal region. This includes diseases of the pelvic organs in both men and women, as well as diseases of the large intestine, kidneys, pancreas and various tumors.

How is the treatment carried out?

So how do we get rid of low back pain? First, you need to go to the hospital and schedule an examination for an examination. After the examination, the attending physician should refer you for an examination to confirm or deny the diagnosis he or she suspects. A spine x-ray may be sent to you to find out what it might be. Today a more advanced method called myelography is used.

This method allows you to study in detail the paths leading to the spine. Reveals all pathologies in the presence of reduced path permeability. It is worth knowing that before you start the x-ray you will be inserted into the spinal cord with a syringe containing xenon, which highlights everything in the picture. This method is quite expensive but very effective and almost always helps us to understand why your back hurts. In addition, MRI, ultrasound, ECG and CT may be prescribed. In additional cases, other tests may be needed, such as a complete blood count, etc.

Your doctor will prescribe treatment for back pain


In most cases, the medication is perfect for back pain. It aims to relieve pain, eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation and rejuvenate damaged tissues. Thus, once we understand why the back hurts, we can get a general picture of how to treat low back pain.

Conditionally, all treatments can be divided into 3 stages, namely: start of treatment, treatment itself and completion of therapy. At each stage, the drugs can act as drops, as well as in the form of blockages and injections. Treatment of low back pain in the first stage should eliminate the pain itself, reduce swelling and inflammation, relieve spasms and relax the muscles. In the second stage, you need to completely eliminate the cause of the disease. The treatment here is mainly local. Used ointments, mixtures of compresses. In addition, physiotherapy is recommended.

The third stage involves injections that increase the regeneration of damaged tissues and nourish them with all the necessary components. Thus, the full functioning of the segment is restored. The choice of medication and therapy at all stages depends on your diagnosis and the choice of the attending physician. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.


When the cause of pain is accurately determined, treatment can be applied using physiotherapy methods. Depending on their cause, the following methods of treatment can be distinguished:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Impact of electric current and a.

Physical therapy is more focused on how to treat back pain at an early stage. In the later stages of the disease, it may be recommended as an adjunctive method. The therapy you need is prescribed only after examination by the attending physician.


In most cases, back pain will not require surgery. However, if you have been in pain for a long time and over time they only get worse and you categorically refuse to consult a doctor, then this method of treatment is also possible. In this case, general anesthesia is likely to be used, where a lytic mixture is used to fully immobilize the patient. The operation plan itself will be developed by the surgeon based on the diagnostic data.

Folk methods

The question "How to relieve low back pain? " Can also be answered by traditional medicine. Here, depending on how strong the pain symptoms are, a variety of homemade ointments, lotions, etc. can be used. Sh. The main focus of such remedies is to relieve pain and inflammation. In most cases, treatment of spinal cord with folk remedies justifies itself only in the form of first aid. With prolonged self-medication, without knowing the underlying cause of the pain, the disease can be significantly aggravated. Next, a few folk remedies.

Compress to treat back pain
  1. A compress mixed with grated horseradish and radish sour cream is placed on the lower back pain. From the top, it is all covered with a paper towel, while the entire lower back is covered with a scarf. Such compression perfectly eliminates the symptoms of pain and relieves muscle spasm.
  2. When your back hurts, hot compresses of infusion prepared with a mixture of healing injuries will help you. These include thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort and black elderberry. Compression is applied at night. The affected area is wrapped in a warm cloth. It is advisable to carry out treatment at night. An identical compress is made from an infusion of dried burdock leaves.
  3. Another treatment with folk remedies is based on the healing properties of horse chestnut. First you need to grind the chestnuts into powder. It is then mixed with camphor oil and melted fat. The ingredients are given in approximately the same amount. The resulting ointment is applied to a slice of black bread and applied to the sore back in the form of a compress. Such a drug can improve blood circulation, has nutritional and anti-inflammatory properties.

But remember, no matter how well the folk remedy looks, it is still necessary to consult a doctor. After all, self-medication is always carried out at your own peril and risk. In addition, it may be found that treatment procedures bring only short-term relief, after which the pain sometimes intensifies.


When the back hurts in the lumbar region, it is too late for prevention. But in order not to face such a problem for as long as possible, you need to think about how to avoid it and what causes it? It has already been described above that at risk are people who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, athletes, especially weightlifters, and overweight.

Therefore, the best prevention of the disease will be mandatory morning exercises, sports, therapeutic exercises, reduction of spinal load, massage, nutrition control, etc. Sh. Also, to remove what can cause low back pain, periodic scheduled checkups with attending physicians will help

Examine your doctor for back pain

First aid

What to do if the lower back hurts too much and you are far from going to the hospital? How to quickly relieve back pain to wait for a doctor? To do this, you need to know several methods of first aid. Of course, they will not have a healing effect, but they will help you deal with the pain. So we do everything step by step:

  1. We lie on our backs, on a solid bed or on the floor. The blanket should be removed from the bed.
  2. At the same time, the legs are raised and the knees are bent. For added convenience, place a pillow or blanket under your feet.
  3. We take the usual dose of painkiller or anti-inflammatory drug that we have.
  4. We sigh and try not to make sudden movements.
  5. During the procedure, do not forget to call your doctor at home.
  6. In most cases, you will need rest and bed rest for the next few days. After the doctor's visit, call the service and inform your supervisor.
  7. Try to avoid spicy and smoked foods during and after treatment.