Joint pain during exercise: causes, types of pain, prevention

In just 24-36 sessions, depending on the intensity of the treatment and the stages of disease development, you will be relieved of joint pain and discomfort during exercise, you will be able to normalize your sleep and lead a full life.

Understanding is important

If joint pain is detected during exercise, it is necessary to select an individual set of therapeutic exercises, study their performance techniques and exclude exercises with contraindications.

With this diagnosis, it is important to regularly attend treatment sessions, complete a full course of treatment at a specialized center, and in the future you need to take care of your health in a preventive manner on your own.

Symptoms of arthrosis

A joint is a connection between two or more bones. The main quality of "design" is mobility.

It is thanks to this ability that our body can perform vital movements and move in space.

There are more than 180 joints in the human body. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the maximum load falls on the joints of the musculoskeletal system.

Joint pain during exercise is common. It is important to find out the cause of the symptom and learn about the measures to prevent this condition.

cause of pain

Joints allow you to perform basic functions - they provide the necessary position of the body, facilitate the movement of its parts and movement in space.

The movable connection of the bones resembles a normal hinge. It consists of three elements:

  1. the ends or articular surfaces of connecting bones;
  2. joint capsule;
  3. The joint cavity, in which there is a lubricating fluid (it is called synovial).

It is common for joints to ache after physical exertion. Any stress - hard physical work, regular sports or excess weight negatively affects the structure of joint elements, deforms and gradually destroys them.

The amount of synovial fluid in the joint cavity begins to decrease. When moving, the changed parts are subjected to severe friction, which is accompanied by pain.

Physical activity and its effect on joints

To prevent joint pain after physical exertion, before choosing a suitable sport, you should check the condition of the body, including the musculoskeletal system.

For amateur athletes, the main goals of training should be to maintain good physical shape, improve health and get only positive emotions.

To improve the condition of the joints and restore their nutrition, the doctor may suggest to start swimming, yoga and wushu gymnastics.

Short, gentle jogging, Nordic walking, cycling and using an exercise bike help strengthen the musculoskeletal system. As a result of exercise, muscles become stronger and ligaments become flexible.

If a person prefers power sports - for example, weightlifting, there is a real danger of developing and continuing pain in the joints after training.

Intense, stable or constantly increasing impact on joint parts leads to destruction of osteochondral tissues, displacement of bones and deformation.

Most often, athletes have problems with the joints of the lower limbs, shoulder girdle and spine.

Symptoms of pain during exercise

In order to determine exactly why your joints hurt during exercise, it is important to identify the main symptoms and analyze them. The type of damage or the presence of a disease can be determined by a special combination of signs.

Partial or complete dislocation of the joint may occur after intense physical activity. It can be diagnosed by symptoms:

  • the appearance of severe deformation of the joints;
  • strong, bright pain when performing any movement of the limb;
  • There is a sharp swelling of nearby tissues;
  • the presence of bruises (appears when ligaments are torn);
  • Local increase in temperature in the area of injury.

A combination of signs will help determine the damage to the meniscus of the knee. This injury often accompanies professional athletes, in most cases it is associated with physical stress on the limb.

Symptoms include:

  • forced position of the leg in a bent position;
  • appearance and persistence of acute pain;
  • Rapid formation of swelling.

An inflammatory process may develop in the joint after stress. It can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • pain is felt during movement and at rest;
  • The pain is localized at the joint and extends up or down the limb;
  • sounds appear during movement - crunching, clicking, grinding;
  • Swelling and redness of the skin occurs around the "problem" area.

Types of pain during exercise

When the joints experience a stable, significant load and pain appears, its description may vary.

It can be painful in nature, pressing, cutting. Sufferers often point to its swelling nature.

Sensations can have different localization. They extend inside the joint, above or below it, on the side.

Manifestations differ in intensity, adjectives are used to define it - pronounced or weak. Joints may ache periodically or constantly.

The main causes of pain

Increased physical activity can cause pain in several "traumatic" joints.

Wrist pain occurs when the tendons and ligaments of the wrist joint are damaged. A provoking factor is performing strength exercises with hands or often repetitive, monotonous movements. Finger and wrist joints are often susceptible to arthrosis.

Pain in the elbow joint is caused by pathologies - osteochondrosis (thoracic and cervical spine), stretching of ligaments, pinched nerve in the elbow area, development of arthrosis, rheumatism, epicondylitis, bursitis.

The knee joint hurts due to changes in the meniscus, its displacement, after stretching the lumbar nerves, nerve endings in the knee area, stretching the intra-articular ligaments and cartilage tissue. Pain accompanies the progression of arthrosis and coxarthrosis.

In most cases, the ankle suffers a tendon or ligament tear, dislocation, or fracture. Similar problems are typical for the shoulder joint.

How to protect yourself from injury?

To avoid joint pain after physical activity, it is important to warm up before each session. Professional trainers recommend "stretching" the body from top to bottom.

For this, you need to perform 10 times quiet rotational movements with the head, bent, then straightened arms, hands and body. The warm-up should be continued with partial squats to activate the knee joint, alternating legs.

You should start playing sports under the supervision of a professional mentor. It is important to correctly calculate the load. The number of repetitions of any exercise gradually increases.

When performing them, pain should not appear, fatigue can only be pleasant. If you have any unwanted symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to avoid joint pain after exercise?

In order to avoid pain in the joints after playing sports, it is important to follow the basic rule - the load should be calculated by the trainer, taking into account the athlete's age and state of health.

The appearance of any discomfort and pain, deterioration of well-being is a sufficient reason to temporarily or permanently stop classes and seek medical help.

Prevention of joint pain during physical activity

When your joints hurt after exercise, doctors recommend following these tips:

  • Before the main exercises, always do a warm-up, which is necessary to "warm up" the muscles and prepare the joints for strength exercises;
  • If you get an injury, it is important to stop training immediately, rest until full recovery and eliminate dangerous exercises from the complex.

Special nutrition is used to improve the condition of the joints and reduce their pain. An athlete's diet should include cabbage, carrots, broccoli, legumes, seafood, fish, seaweed, lean meat (preferably a lot of cartilage), natural milk and sour cream, egg yolks, fruits, berries, nuts, greens, bran. wheat). Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.

During increased physical activity, it is necessary to use multivitamin and mineral preparations. They should contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, B 12, iron, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, copper.

How is the treatment carried out?

Doctor's consultation: anamnesis, myofascial diagnosis, functional diagnosis.

how is it going

Collection of anamnesis - analysis of the disease, limitations and contraindications are identified, explanation of the principles of kinesitherapy, features of the recovery period.

Myofascial diagnosis is a manual diagnostic method in which the doctor evaluates the range of motion of the joints, determines painful tension, swelling, hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles and other changes.

Functional diagnostics (carried out in the rehabilitation room) - the doctor explains how to perform certain exercises on the equipment and observes: how the patient performs them, in what range of motion he can work, what movements cause pain, what weight the patient can carry. Work on how the cardiovascular system reacts. vascular system. Problem areas are identified. The data will be entered into the card. Accents are set.

Based on the results of the initial examination and functional diagnosis by the doctor, a preliminary individual treatment program is drawn up.

It is advisable to have with you:

  • for spine pain - MRI or CT (magnetic resonance or computer tomography) of the problem area;
  • in case of joint pain - X-ray;
  • in the presence of concomitant diseases - an extract from the medical history or outpatient card;
  • Comfortable (sports) clothes and shoes

At the beginning of the treatment cycle, the doctor and the patient establish a treatment plan, which includes the date and time of the treatment session, follow-up visits to the doctor (usually 2-3 times a week).

The basis of the treatment process is treatment sessions in the rehabilitation room using simulators and sessions in the gym.

Rehabilitation simulators allow you to precisely set the load on individual muscle groups, which ensures an adequate mode of physical activity. The doctor sets the treatment program individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Supervised by qualified instructors. At all stages of recovery, it is important to follow the correct movement and breathing techniques, know your weight standards when working on exercise machines, follow the prescribed treatment regimen and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Joint gymnastics sessions help restore visual coordination, improve joint mobility and spine elasticity (flexibility), and are an excellent preventive system for self-use.

Each treatment cycle consists of 12 sessions. Each lesson is led by an instructor. The duration of one treatment session is from 40 minutes to 1. 5 hours. The instructor sets the program, taking into account the accompanying diseases and the patient's condition on the day of the lesson. Teaches the technique of performing exercises and monitors the correct performance. Every 6th lesson, a second consultation with a doctor is held, changes and additions to the program are made according to the dynamics.

How many cycles will it take? - Individually for everyone

It is important to know:

  • How long have you had this problem (disease stage)
  • How is your body prepared for physical activity (do you do gymnastics or any kind of sport)? . . -

Important! What result do you want to get?

If the disease is in an early stage and the body is prepared, one cycle of treatment is enough. (For example - 20-30-year-old young people who go in for sports. We focus on the technique of performing exercises, breathing, stretching, excluding "wrong" exercises that are harmful to problem areas. Such patients undergo training and receive the ability to "take care of the body", in case of exacerbation, receive recommendations andcontinue learning independently).

If the problem has existed for a long time, you do not do gymnastics, or you have concomitant diseases, then you will need another period.

  • relieve aggravation? - one or two cycles is enough,
  • restore function?
  • walking without stopping (climbing stairs),
  • Be willing to do some work without effort
  • Being immobile for a long time while traveling (in a plane, in a car. . . )
  • improvement? support? not make it worse?
  • You may need three or more treatment cycles. . .

Each organism is individual and each patient's program is individual.