Why does it hurt in the back and neck

We are enough, we have heard that is the most horrifying pain in the back and neck can be caused by the fault intervertebral hernia, and if presented with strong pain syndrome, go to the doctor, waiting for the problem of the sentence. However, the myths of impending pain in a hernia excessive: a hernia is often not the cause of pain in the back and neck, although many of the elderly in the image is determined at the same time even some 3-4 mm herniation. From where, then, is a serious pain in the back and neck, even in young people?

Pain in the neck and back

Causes of pain in the back and neck

Pain in the back and neck appear most commonly by cramping of the muscles and joints subluxations vertebrae. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of muscles and joints is we don't have enough well. Small hernias and protrusion of there are identified with the help of CT and MRI, while subluxations and displacement of the vertebrae often remain undetected. Electromyography , which allows you to reveal the explicit different muscle tone, are often not carried out at all.

How and why it may occur abnormal spasms of the muscles or subluxations vertebrae it? May is possible only weightlifters or only occur after injuries or injuries of the spine?

The fact of the matter is that this can happen to absolutely everyone and almost invisible.

Muscle spasms can be increased in the course of his life, and themselves lead to shifts in the vertebral column and dislocation

Cramps in the muscles of the back and neck

The impetus for the spasm in the muscles can be quite everyday things:

  • Continuous annoying strenuous postures in a sitting position
  • The second reason is any sudden movements, and disproportionate exercise (especially true for lovers of self-repairs and zealous gardeners): spasm of muscles thoracolumbar section of the back can happen due to wearing weights on the elongated front of your hands? pain and tension the muscles and the lumbosacral area occurs because of attempts to lift the heavy from the tilt position
  • The third reason — muscle inflammation (myositis) due to basic insulation. I guess everyone is familiar with back pain in the region of the neck or back resulting from reason that lead to destructive currents. Oddly enough, this happens more often in the summer than in the winter. The reason for this is not right they are operating air conditioners are exposed to the same error temperature range function (with a very big difference between external and desired temperatures)

The symptoms of pain in the neck and back

  1. Cervical myositis (sometimes called cervical sciatica) causes back pain, running from one side: from the top inside of the ear to the shoulder and arm
  2. Back pain in breast part of the back was in the side in the form of intercostal neuralgia. Localization in the left part of the chest leads to a simulation of a heart attack
  3. Lumbar back pain (lumbago) are given in the thigh. When the inflammation itself sciatic nerve occurs acute pain crisis, "sciatica", in which the pain spreads from the gluteus and down the whole back part of the femur and tibia literally until the soles
The pain in the neck

The mechanism of occurrence of the muscular pain

Because syndrome, pain arising in the muscles, often treated is not easy, besides, that the first episode is able to pass on his own? And because sore muscles?

The pain is so insidious phenomenon, which looks like the monster that he woke up. As long as he's sleeping, it's all good. But it's worth it to wake him up, the problems do not end.

If resulting muscle spasm in the area of the back and nape of the neck affects passing through the muscles, the nerves, activates the reflex mechanism of pain, which reminds me of hell of boomerang:

  • Pinched nerve multiplies spasm of the muscles (their natural protective painful reaction)
  • Second spasm of the muscles again irritating the nerve and it all goes in accordance with the infinite circle

The pain simply can not subside due to continuous reflex irritation.

Treatment of muscle aches in the back and neck

Promotes the development of chronic pain and the wrong treatment:

  • Thermal compresses in the painful area, the hot showers, bathrooms, initially, it seems to lead to relief, but then swelling of the muscles of the back and neck even more and escalates the pain
  • Carrying out of medical gymnastics and even with the stretching exercises with acute too much can lead to deterioration, as well as the reaction and without the muscles under the influence of the charge can be unpredictable. In some cases, can relax, in the other the same — to become even more strained
  • A similar reaction can occur during a massage

Training that congregate in the muscles it is very hard to the touch, but the man is extremely difficult to bend-unbend, rotate the neck, lifting and discharge to your hand.

The treatment of muscular spasms and acute pain should be targeted as quickly as possible treatment of pain

To do this is attributed to a week of bed rest and carried out:

  1. Five-to seven-day course of analgesia , non-steroid drugs
  2. When extensive pain area made novocaine or Lidocainum exclusion
  3. Sessions post-isometric relaxation — very effective static exercises for pain relief
  4. Manual therapy and acupuncture, provided it is performed by qualified personnel
  5. Myofascial massage with stimulation activation (of the) points

Trigger point and the area of pain is not always a match:

  • It hurts the fillets and muscles clamped much more down and from behind and from the front

The displacement of the joints of the vertebrae in the back and neck

Displacement (subluxation) of the joints of the vertebrae — it's not that rare a phenomenon. Neutral can:

  • The trauma of the spine, and even an ordinary household: a fall, a blow, the wrong landing of the foot and etc.
  • Steep slope, rotation of the neck and torso with a very large angle
  • Continuous muscle spasm, tense vertebra

Diagnosis of displacement of the joints

If subluxation occurs after a fall or a failed speakers, then the diagnosis can be suddenly revealed, and the long-term passing of the pain. During the shift may be heard the rattling or clicking

  • The element of surprise of the pain should alert your doctor, as in osteochondrosis. or hernia pain for years and it's there for many years
  • If subluxation occurs it is the fault of the muscle, to diagnose the most difficult, as the displacement grows gradually and it is a gradual increase in pain and immobility

Displacement of the joints can and not give a bright clinical picture, except for the cases, when it occurs in transitional areas:

  • Cervicofacial breast
  • Thoracic
  • Lumbosacral

In each section there are the typical for more signs of a hernia:

In the cervical:

  • Hurt and dazed to the floor unconscious state
  • The dark color, flies in front of my eyes, tinnitus
  • The curvature of the neck
  • Weakness in hand, tingling sensation and numbness in the fingers (syndrome cervicofacial of the brachial plexus)

In the breast:

  • Dagger pain between the shoulder blades, giving the sternum and the belly area

Such symptoms are a frequent cause of hospitalization of patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction, ulcers and even appendicitis.

To specify that the chest pain not due to heart, is easy enough: After the taking of validol or nitroglycerin pain is not in crisis

In the lumbar:

  • Acute back pain, giving the thigh, the lower part of the abdomen and in the groinThat happens when subluxation of the vertebrae in the upper part of the lower back with a pinched femoral nerve
  • Back pain along the entire back of the leg starting from the buttocks
  • Numbness, a sense, that it minimizes legs or those that are taken awaySuch phenomena speak of jamming sciatic nerve during subluxation vertebrae in the lower lumbar of the back

Treatment of subluxations of the joints

The optimal treatment of dislocation of the vertebra is the reduction, which is carried out with the help of osteopathy and therapy. It hurts I won't stop until vertebra do not get up from the place of a parent

Unfortunately, the true explanatory osteopaths and touches on the healers, able to spend a competent moving vertebra, very little.

  1. To start the treatment should be also mandatory pain relief non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. Then, it is appropriate to conduct a special session therapy
  3. But manual therapy is not a stand-alone treatment, and to save the result, measures are needed to aid ill the area of the spine. This can be achieved, at the same time firming the muscles and restoring balance by using the:
    • Adjuvant therapeutic exercise
    • Massage
    • Electro-myostimulation

The cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis

Over time, chronic cervical myositis leads to osteochondrosis., and that, in contrast to the hernia, a very common cause of neck pain and is fairly common among very young people.

  • Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease includes and vegetovascular disorders, when with pain in the neck and under the shoulder-scapula region, arms, added to the signs of violations of cerebral circulation
  • Pain and muscle spasms in the Grado-lumbar region in the form of burning, as chronic pain pain interspersed with the feeling, like that taken away feet. Walking is insecure: a man literally walking incline
A chiropractor

If the cervical osteochondrosis. patients usually go to the doctor with the complaint that it hurts his head when the lumbar the likely cause is already much lower, and have already begun to complain about the "paralysis of the legs".

Spasm of the muscles in the back causes spasms and narrowing in the blood vessels, because it worsens the blood supply to all the organs that are under problem area, including the foot. Hence arises the feeling of numbness in the extremities

If the pain in the area of the back and neck, despite treatment, has not passed during the week, there is no reason to suspect more serious diseases: displacement of the joints of the spine or herniated intervertebral disk.

Pain when intervertebral hernia

Finally, he approached intervertebral hernia - a source of most intense pain in the cervical and lumbar spine, as well as for the neck, and the most dangerous phenomenon, in the mind of the particular role of the neck as trunk "pipeline" for the vertebral artery.

Syndrome of pain in the hernia and is much more laborious and time-consuming, as it is called a pinched spinal nerve. But this disease does not occur out of nowhere, and always followed

Usually pathology preceding:

  • Long-term dystrophic processes in the spine, for example, osteochondrosis
  • Disorders of muscle function (the pain and spasms in certain muscle groups)
  • Injuries and other diseases

Therefore, the expression "I've got a hernia" is wrong, although the same production for the victim is often a big surprise. But, and here should be a coincidence of many external factors:

  • Improvement of gravity in an uncomfortable position
  • A sudden movement "is not there"
  • The fall on the feet or the coccyx, and etc.

A hernia is not always leads to pain:

  • Front of the hernia is oriented in the opposite spinal cord and never affect the nerve
  • The herniated Schmorl, who both love scaring the doctors, often completely asymptomatic, as is vertical, the notch hyaline cartilage or intervertebral disc in the body of the vertebra. When you do this, also, is not possible the contact with the nerve

Risk only the posterior hernia

If it hurts in the back and neck, to spend a detailed diagnosis.

Very common are the cases where the individual treatment of hernia, and in the picture that there really is, but to be the cause of the pain can not, because of the lack of the main reason: the compression of the nerve. The same is the position of the hernia excludes such a possibility

But man, my back hurts, and again he insisted to heal from hernia" and even an operation. And the causes of pain can actually be subluxation, and locking of the vertebrae or muscle spasm.