Why hurt the muscles of the back and how it can be treated

Almost every person has pain occurs in the muscles of the back. Shows such as elderly citizens, and young people. The appearance can be a harmless phenomenon or to give testimony that the person develops a serious illness. Regardless of the reasons why it appeared, the person would necessarily need to see a doctor. The timely appeal to the specialist will help you quickly get rid of the pain and to stop the further spread of the disease.


Why hurt the muscles of the back

The back is the most awesome part of the human body. It closes almost all the internal organs, muscles, joints, bones. And the appearance of pain that should alert the person. Often unpleasant sensation they cause infectious and inflammatory processes, hypertension, excessive exercise. All of these factors lead to the fact that the muscles in this area are expanded or reduced, the structure of the spine changes.

Pain in the area of the back as described is very difficult. Their appearance is associated with the entry in the muscle of lactic acid. Due to the in humans, edema, pain of varying intensity.

Doctors point out that muscle aches in the back are divided into various types:

  • weak,
  • sharp
  • severe pain.

Acute pain usually occurs as a result of the development of the inflammatory process, infectious diseases, or diseases of the internal organs.

Patients stands out a lot of groups of pain. Pain syndrome, in their opinion, are:

  • periodic it?
  • permanent?
  • in a lump sum.

Causes of pain in the muscles of the back:

The development of diseases of the muscles of the back: scoliosis, back pain, arthritis, rheumatism. All of this leads to the fact that muscles get tired and this causes human suffering. Due to disease unpleasant feelings appear in trapezoidal and longitudinal muscles.

The development of diseases in the internal organs. For example, pathology in the region of the genitourinary and cardiac systems, in the organs of the respiratory system, stomach and liver, in the area of blades, the upper back and chest.

Distribution of inflammatory processes. Frequent illness, smiting muscles of the back is the myositis. It starts with the penetration in the body infections, corruption, connective and muscle tissue. Because of this, the person appears fatigue neoplasms. Myositis often arises from the fact that the man is sweating and out into the stream. Often manifests as a complication of chronic forms of the disease, localized in the organs of the respiratory system and lungs. In addition to this, it is displayed in injuries and bruises, the development of rheumatism, worms, diseases of the central nervous system, a bad heredity. During the first stage of the inflammation can be passed alone. However, if in later stages it is left without treatment, a person can increase the pain, dramatically increase the temperature of the body, the infection will travel to other areas, there is atrophy of the muscles. In which the person does not appear unpleasant feelings in the muscles, but also the motor activity break.

The presence of mechanical damage, and injuries to the muscles. Usually seen in athletes after heavy physical work. Due to the excessive physical activity often to these people occur tears, the tears, appear inflammatory processes in the trapezius muscles, cramps and pain across the back.

Over-voltage of the body and a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the pain, the person may then appear, when for a long time was in a stable condition and to produce energy. In the high-risk group included office workers. It is constantly in an uncomfortable position. As a result of this often have muscle aches on the job.

Often, they hurt the back muscles after the workout to people who are actively engaged in sports. This includes citizens, often moving on to ships and the persons travelling with tents and backpacks. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the back in such loads is particularly deleted, why are mechanical wounds, experiencing the pain of muscle. Often mechanical injuries occur in children. This is due to the fact that the bones are highly mobile, and may appreciate physical strength. Because of this, parents should monitor their children to exclude the rupture of the ligaments.

The presence of human genetic abnormalities. For example, syndrome short leg to the man distorted the spinal column, and resulting pathology in the intestine. The pain they bring in a bad character, and will appear at regular intervals, but in terms of what pathology is growing rapidly, the pain of the person is enhanced.

Was held massage, or therapeutic exercise. Often patients indicate that muscle pain appeared after the procedure. Can arise from the fact that it consists of the wrong. For example, the person designated by the relaxing process and show the boost or limited impact. Unpleasant sensations can arise from the fact that during the process, resulting in the excessive tension of the muscles. The pain can occur when a person the procedure was contraindicated, and to do, or didn't know what's going on. Often the pain occurs when the person has develop chronic diseases. If when done the process, after 1-2 hours can occur pain in the region of the back. The presence of a low-skilled worker can lead to pain. Remember that if the massage is done properly, then the pain after this there is no.

Other causes of pain in the muscles, it is considered development of the person's specific anatomical features. For example, scoliosis leads to disruption of the symmetry of the spine, flat feet, a reduction of the lower limbs, the development affiliate of the asymmetry of the bones of the pelvis.

What to do if it hurts the muscles of the back

With the development of the disease the patient does not appear only pain in the muscles of the back, but the following pathologies:

  • disrupting the posture of the body?
  • reduced mobility of the joints and spine. For example, a person can't straighten his back or to turn in the head?
  • reduced the overall sensitivity of the skin.

Doctors point out that pain, in the muscles of the back and spine may be due to development in the human body serious diseases. Most often the development of degenerative disc disease. From this suffers approximately 85% of the population of the Earth.

Osteochondrosis affects:

  • the vertebrae is?
  • межпозвонковые drives?
  • the spinal cord?
  • trunks and roots спинномозговых nerves?
  • veins and arteries?
  • capillaries, ligaments and muscles.

In addition to this, osteochondrosis develops in the context of:

  • spondylitis it?
  • of bechterew's disease is?
  • arthritis?
  • of osteoarthritis it?
  • scoliosis.

Risk of degenerative disc disease is that it leads to degenerative changes and destruction of bone tissue, intervertebral disc and articular cartilage.

Reasons for developing degenerative disc disease are the following:

  • the heredity?
  • eating the wrong products?
  • excess weight?
  • injuries may in the future lead to the development of serious diseases.
  • roots, the soft tissues and the muscles, blood vessels?
  • the sedentary way of life?
  • the excessive strain on the body physical work?
  • frequent stress.

The appearance of pain in the left and right bottom of the blade says about the development of hernia and nonalgia. Many patients come to grips with the advent are weak, moody, periodic pain in the area of the back, and consider it normal. But this is a mistake. It is important that the time to reach out to someone special and to reveal the cause of the pain.

Often, the pain in the back that appear to clearly обозначенном position. This can be:

  • The appearance of pain in the trapezius muscle. It is the most vulnerable, as well as fiber are included in your shoulders and manage their mobility. Usually, it hurts the biggest and broadest muscles of the back of the workers of art and dancers, which was often annoying. Apart from this pain in this muscle may occur due to психоэмоциональных problems.
  • Pain in the trapezius muscle appear even after the elimination of the source of the disease and is accompanied by a headache. For this pain is characterized by the following symptoms: the person can not normally move the head, the pain apply to the area of the shoulder and neck. Bring bad, of a permanent nature and can often be registered in the part of the humerus.
  • The emergence of unpleasant sensations in the large diamond-shaped muscle in the back. With this the pain the man is not in a position to actively move the neck and shoulders. The pain in this region may arise from the fact, that the man is not right picking up heavy objects. This is due to the displacement of the position of blades and the development of the man bow.
  • If there is pain in the muscles of the back, left, speaks to the development of degenerative disc disease. When the man often dizzy, impaired vision, appear unpleasant sensations in the upper extremities.
  • If it hurts the muscles in the back along the spine, there's something for the development of hernia, and scoliosis. The pain resulting from the nerve root is subjected to pressure, and the parts of the spine change in the normal position.
  • The appearance of cervical degenerative disc disease is characterized by the pressure in the veins and arteries, pain occurs crises. It is hot and throbbing. Identified on the back of the head or to another part of the head. You are experiencing the symptoms of starvation of oxygen: dizziness, nausea, appears migraine, falls short of vision, decreased sensitivity in the upper extremities and shoulder belt, occurs shortness of breath, reduces the activity of the cervical spine. If the person is in a mature age, then you may suddenly lose consciousness, and if the disease was transferred to the chronic stage, it appears paresis and paralysis of the upper limb.
  • The appearance of osteoarthritis is characterized by the appearance of acute pain with lumbago, gradually increasing. This is in the region between the ribs, in лопатках and upper abdomen. The patient's troubling cough, occurs com in the throat, difficulties arise during the swallowing action. During the bending, the lifting of the upper extremity — increases blood pressure, and appear pain in the heart area.
  • The appearance of lumbar osteoarthritis is characterized by the formation of pain in the area of the lumbar spine. Is sudden with lumbago. Sore muscles in the waist area and legs. This gives in the groin and the pelvis. If vertebrae grow, it can become less or not at all to the abyss. At the same time, the patient has the sensation of numbness of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the upper limb. The men appear problems with a visit to the toilet. For women — is a disturbed menstrual cycle.
  • The appearance of pain in the muscles of the back to the right speaks for development: degenerative disc disease, радикулита, scoliosis, tuberculosis, and injuries of the spine, inflammation of the muscles. If the patient is in pain the muscles of the back from the right side, this may indicate that in the body develop the disease, which violate the structure of the internal organs. That's what it says about the development: appendicitis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, панкреонекроза, duodenal ulcer, appearance of kidney stones, cholecystitis, a heart attack, angina, pneumonia. If unpleasant feelings occur in women, he speaks of the development have аднексита, endometritis, fibroids and cysts.

The diagnosis of the disease

Muscle pain in the back treated a surgeon, a neurologist, an internist, passing the exact diagnosis and to prescribe treatment. Initially see the patient and asked about the persistent complaints.

Additional diagnostic techniques that are used when determining in humans the symptoms of the disease, stated:

  • X — ray- determines the pathology, localized in the bone system.
  • MRI scan — diagnosis — evaluate the zone of destruction of the muscles.
  • Puncture — finds of parasitic loss.
  • With the help of the ECG can evaluate the work of the heart system.

The patient will need to pass a blood test and urine. With their help, you can determine the development of inflammation in the body.


Treat pain in the muscles of the back can following methods. All of these aim to address the source of the pain:

  • The exception of sharp pain in the problematic area of the patient has been prescribed ointment or gel, with anesthetic. In this case, appropriate ointments, which include the red pepper. In addition, you can use the ointment, the composition of which included the poison of the snake.
  • From myositis, you need to use, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, your doctor may prescribe the funds on the basis of the corticosteroids. Remember that the application should course and only in accordance with the purpose of the attending physician.
  • From a herniated intervertebral disc is used muscle relaxants, which is able to quickly remove spasms of muscles.
  • From pests may obtain medical treatments.
  • From purulent myositis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.


To avoid back pain, the patient needs to follow the following simple steps:

  • To keep the correct posture while walking and when sitting in the chair. To save her you will have to stand close to the wall and snuggle up in this behind the eyes and the heels. This position will need to remember and save it in everyday life.
  • If you want a long time to stand, then doctors advise every 10 minutes to change the position, transferring the body weight from one foot to the other.
  • In cases when you need to sit down — you want to take the muscle fatigue. To do this you will need to bend the back, put your hands up, forward, and deep breaths. Further you will have to stand in socks, raise your hands up and well-stretched. Such a move would have to do several times a day.
  • It is recommended that union a long time in line.
  • Watch out for the fact that the man eats. We need to eliminate fatty foods. Better to consume foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Dress for the weather and to avoid drafts and insulation.
  • Each day involved with the sport.
  • They are not for a long time in bed. Most short intervals of rest, precludes the probability of occurrence of atrophy of the muscles.