The pain in the back and the middle

Often it hurts fillets, such as the lumbar spine has the greatest mobility and transfer weight to the top half of the body. Back pain has a special name — back pain, if it gives the leg — sciatica. Less pain presented to the breast section of the back. If the pain is acute and goes (gives) to the side or arm, call her "lumbago" or "sciatica". It's the kind of pain that is usually associated with compression of the vessel intervertebral nerve.

lower back pain

The pain in the back and the waist may appear suddenly after lifting weights, if clumsy back. Sometimes unpleasant sensations in the back develop gradually from many years of load or incorrect posture. Less often the cause of pain installation fails. The pain may escalate in the evenings, under load or after prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, after a long journey in the car. Usually the pain subsides in a prone position on a flat hard surface.

In most cases, it hurts my back within a few days or weeks, and then health is improved, and the mobility is fully restored. Speed recovery help pain relievers and a specific function of motor activity: peace only during the first 1-2 days is very intense pain and then gradual return to an active lifestyle. However, in some cases, back or loin pain in a long time, over 6 weeks. Then they talk about the development of chronic back pain and is administered as adjunctive therapy.

An important role plays the mood. Because of the pain you may be difficult to store in a good location of spirit, but as the study shows, positively adjusted people, as a rule, they can become better faster than those who dwell in depression.

Causes of pain in the back

The health of the back depends on coordinated work complex mechanism of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. Often identify the cause of the pain can be difficult. Fortunately, serious illness or injury in the back is rare. Often the pain in the middle or back occurs as a result of the injury of the lung, the muscle, over-voltage, stretching of muscles and ligaments, damage and inflammation of the nerve. Discomfort in the back can occur suddenly or develop gradually increase. Possible causes of pain in the back and the waist:

  • hard drive: tilting or turning of the body?
  • the improvement or the transport of heavy objects, long-term inclinations of the torso?
  • the incorrect posture when walking or seat?
  • the excessive stretching of the muscles of the back;
  • prolonged driving without stops.

Sometimes shooting starts the disease for no apparent reason, for example, in the morning, after sleep.

Risk factors for back pain

Some risk factors that increase the likelihood of back pain or back:

  • Excess weight — the spinal column is further supported load. To understand, it corresponds to the if your weight is normal, calculate the body mass index.
  • Smoking — can cause damage to the tissues of the back, as well as smokers are usually less likely to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy — woman's spine is subjected to additional load, which increases with the increase in the volume of the ventricles.
  • Prolonged taking of medicines, reduce bone density, for example, corticosteroids.
  • The stress is considered, that the emotion causes the voltage of the muscles of the back and neck which can cause pain.

Diseases that can cause pain in the back and the waist:

  • Osteochondrosis and its complications, for example, a hernia of the spine — degenerative diseases, which are destroyed intervertebral cartilages, which leads to the appearance of pain. These diseases often develop with age, especially in those people who are experiencing the greatest load on his back.
  • The stretching of the ligaments and muscles that often occurs after intense physical activity, or an uncomfortable motion.
  • Various kinds of arthritis — inflammatory disease of the joints. In this case, apart from the pain, marked morning stiffness in the joints, disorders of mobility.
  • Diseases of the kidney, for example, pyelonephritis can cause lower back pain.

There are also more dangerous, but very rarely causes back pain. For example, cancer, tuberculosis of the spine, aneurysm of the aorta (passing through the walls of the major blood vessels), etc. All of these usually are diagnosed during examination by the doctor.

The diagnosis of pain in the back and the middle


With the pain in the back and the middle can often handle your home with the help of the medicines sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Treatment in the hospital is usually not required. If the pain is severe, contact your doctor doctor. If the pain does not give you a full move, you can call a doctor at home.

During the examination the doctor will ask you to sit, stand, like, alternately to raise the foot, as well as to control the range of motion in the back. Can I ask you about surgical conditions or injuries, your lifestyle and the nature of the work, as well as:

  • When the pain started?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • You disturbed back in the past?
  • Can you describe the pain?
  • From what pain, acute or not at all.

In a survey, and the examination, the doctor will attempt to rule out the possibility of an infectious disease and fracture, although it is very rare. In the case of a controversial diagnosis, you may be referred for further study: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or x-rays of the spine. To exclude renal disease, the doctor prescribes a general analysis of urine.

In most cases, the pain in the back can be removed for a few days. If the treatment doesn't help, back pain lasts more than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain), or the cause of the illness is a serious disease, the therapist will refer you to a specialist. Most often the treatment of pain in the back or the middle of dealing with the neurologist. In addition, the treatment can be connected as doctors, such as the osteopath, reflexologist, chiropractor.

Treatment of back and waist

Treatment of back pain may depend on the duration and severity of, as well as by your personal preferences and your needs. Most of the time, the pain can be removed with the use of prescription drugs without a prescription medicines and treatment at home.

Machine operation

In the old days it was believed that the pain in the back needs rest. Now accepted that people who before they begin to start moving quickly as they do with the pain in the back and the middle. Full rest and bed rest is shown only 1-2 days in the acute period, when the pain is extremely intense and does not give traffic. When you do this, they are recommended on a hard and flat surface. Just situation slightly improved, you should gradually return to the mobile way of life, extending the range of motion a little each day.

Gradually, you will be able to move around the house or go shopping. You have to make do with a certain discomfort and learn how to avoid anything that causes severe pain. A few days later, you can go back to work, without waiting the moment, when the pain in the back or middle pass completely (if, of course, the work is not associated with adverse loads on the spine). The timely enable will help you to return to the normal routine of the day and to distract from the pain.

Muscle relaxants

Are drugs, turning spasm of skeletal muscles that relax the muscles. Be given in cases, when the excessive tension of the muscles of the spine increases the pain, that for example, maybe with an acute degenerative disc disease or herniated disc. Muscle relaxants have side effects, many of them you can't get behind the wheel. Therefore, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment with heat and cold

treatment with heat

Some relief of the pain helps the heat, for example, a bathtub or warmer in the affected area. Also facilitates the situation can and cold, for example, if applied to the back of ice or package of frozen vegetables. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, as this may cause frostbite. Wrap in a damp towel and apply to the affected area. You can also alternate treatment hot with the cold, by putting alternating ice and warmer.

Stop for a sleep

Change of posture on bed can release the tension from his back and to ease the pain. If you sleep on your side, gently pull the leg toward your chest and put a pillow between the legs. If you are behind on your back, put a pillow under the knees to maintain the natural curve of the spine in the waist area.


This is an extremely important element of the struggle with the pain, as if I should be worried, this will cause muscle tension, which can worsen the pain. As the research shows, positive, shaped people usually recover more quickly. The pain of them goes on a long, chronic. There are various relaxation techniques. As a rule, it is recommended to master respiratory gymnastics, as well as simple exercises with alternate tension and relaxation of different muscles of the body.

Physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Try to eliminate the cause of pain in the back, to prevent the return in the future. The most common causes of back pain — excess weight, incorrect posture and stress. Regular exercise and active lifestyle will help your back to be strong and healthy. Often people opt for this walking, swimming and yoga. The most important thing — to choose the one you like and does not cause pain. Sometimes the lessons are conducted in groups under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Usually in the class performed exercises to strengthen the muscles and improve the posture, as well as the aerobic training and stretching exercises.

The treatment for chronic back pain

If back pain lasts more than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain), apart from painkillers and muscle relaxants used are described below methods of dealing with the pain. These treatments help those who have pain in the back blocks to perform the usual cases and causes of anxiety.

Prevention of back pain

Powerful and flexible back — the best way to avoid the pain. Therefore, the most effective prevention is regular exercise, proper posture and the maintenance of safety during the lifting and transport of weights.

If you have magazines pain in your back, try the following:

  • To lose weight, if you suffer from obesity. Too big the weight of the body can expose the middle extra load.
  • Wear orthopedic shoes with a low heel, which reduces the load on the spine while walking.
  • Avoid sudden movements that may cause stretching of the muscle.
  • To learn to cope with stress, anxieties and emotions that can increase pain in the back.

The correct posture and sound sleep with back pain

The attitude of the body greatly affects the health of the back. In the upright position, always try to keep the casing smooth, your head straight, not hunched. Distribute the weight equally on both legs, do not bend them. You are sitting up straight, with emphasis on the back. The knees and hips must be on the same level, and legs — to stand on the floor (if necessary, use the brace for the legs). Sometimes it is convenient to put down the middle a small pillow or a rolled up towel. If you type on the keyboard, the forearm must be located in a horizontal position and your elbows should be bent at a right angle.

If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, make sure that your chair has support for the lower back. If a revaluation under the mirror side of the genre, you won't have to bend your back. Pedals must be exactly in front of your feet. The journey, regularly stop to stretch your back.

The dream should serve as a comprehensive vacation throughout the body, including the back. To do this, you need a pretty firm mattress, and not tilt under the weight of the body from shoulders to buttocks, like a hammock. If the bed is too soft, put a rigid board or a shield (ideally 2 cm thick) under the mattress. The head should lie on your pillow, but the neck should not be bent in a large angle.