What reason and what to do if hurt on the right side of his back?

Listen to your body and determine exactly where it hurts, where it gives pain, and if there are additional symptoms. When problems with the spine or muscle pain that occurs in any part of the back depends on the location of the problem. Often it is occasional and occurs after intense exercise or uncomfortable position of the body. Acute inflammation of internal organs, as a rule, are accompanied by additional symptoms: the weakness of the, nausea, cough, increase of temperature. In the early stages of the disease may not be special events, outside of the pain, therefore, for the early diagnosis of the disease, it is important to consult your doctor.


The pain and crunch in joints over time may lead to a terrifying consequences - local or total limitation of movements at a hinge until the disability. People, bitter experience, to heal the joints enjoy the physical medium constitutes a rheumatologist.


Causes of back pain in women

 lower back pain in women  
  1. The upper part of the back right below the shoulder blade. Here are manifested diseases of the respiratory system and spine.
  2. The middle part of the back to the right under the ribs. Is the area under sections of the lungs, digestive system, pancreas, gall bladder, liver.
  3. The lower part of the back right around the waist – area of the urinary system of the right kidney.
  4. Fillets of right – possible problems with the intestines, gynecology, urinary tract.
  5. The whole rotation right, digestive system, spine, muscles.
If the pain occurs only in the morning and pass the time, pay attention to the sleeper. Maybe sleeping in an uncomfortable position or it's time to change the mattress.

Possible causes

Disease of the respiratory system

Feature – enhancing pain during deep inhalation or exhalation. For the treatment of turning to the therapist, which may lead to a pulmonologist.

  1. Pleurisy – inflammation of pleura. The pain brings a stabbing or cutting nature, increases with deep breathing, sudden movements and waning, if you sick to lie on his side. Additional symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath. Diagnosed with x-ray, ULTRASOUND. For the treatment used antibiotics, various medical manipulation, sometimes surgery.
  2. Pneumonia – inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs. The pain is felt under the shoulder blade or down the side, staggered by the deep breathing, cough. In rare cases, in the initial stages of the disease other symptoms not, then, the temperature rises, appears cough, the distribution of sputum, the weakness of the. Is treated with antibiotics, which will choose the doctor. Pneumonia
  3. Pneumothorax — gas in the pleural cavity of the lung. The pain is very severe, acute, stabbing, gives the hand, shoulder, enhanced by the breathing and cough. The person wants to sit or polulezhachee position, appear shortness of breath and cold sweat, panic. Diagnosed with x-ray and perforation of the lung. Required urgent help of the doctor!
  4. Cancer of the lung. Unbearable and constant severe pain only occurs in the last stages of cancer, if the tumor grows in the pleura.
  5. Infarction of the lung – humiliation parts easy and impregnation this organ with blood in the blockage of the arteries to check for blood clot. The pain is very severe, acute, right under the shoulder blade. Additional symptoms: shortness of breath, tachycardia, hemoptysis. We urgently need to call an ambulance!

Diseases of the digestive system

Accompanied, as a rule, additional symptoms: pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting. The therapist may refer you to a gastroenterologist.

  1. Flatulence – accumulation of gas in the intestine. The pain is stupid, the pull, accompanied by abdominal distension.. it Appears after taking certain products (legumes, aeration, etc.), as a consequence of intestinal diseases or neurosis. Symptoms eliminated spazmolitikami, absorbent substances .
  2. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. If the appendix lies behind the cecum, pain can arise in the abdomen, as is the case in most of the cases, and in the lower part of the back down to the right. The pain is acute, permanent, gives you in the leg, in the groin, the bone area. If you are on the left side – has been launched. Additional symptoms: nausea, weakness, sometimes the temperature is above 38 degrees. Needed emergency surgery!
  3. Intestinal colic – spasm of the muscles of the intestine. Pain in the lower part of the middle burning: it increases, reduces, after a bit of enters the area of the abdomen. Additional symptoms: weakness, frequent urination, nausea, diarrhea. Possible causes: food poisoning, stress, intestinal diseases, gastritis. When intestinal colic taking anticonvulsants and applying the warmer.

Strong intestinal colic may testify about serious diseases, which, in any case, you can't use a heating pad, and urgently need to call an ambulance!

  1. Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gall bladder. The pain in the right part of the abdomen, in the right hypochondrium, gives the area under the right shoulder. Can pass by themselves after some time (half an hour). Occurs most often at night or in the morning, after the consumption of fatty foods or alcohol. Additional symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting bile, white coating on the tongue. Is diagnosed with blood tests, urine, stool, ULTRASOUND of the gall bladder. Is treated with surgery or medications, make sure the diet.
  2. Acute pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Pain in the lateral abdomen, gives the lower part of the back to the right. In rare cases, the feeling from the side of the abdomen there are, and are felt only in the back, in the central part on the right. The pain is stupid: this is being strengthened, is weakened. Additional symptoms: nausea, vomiting, without relief, the person acquires a gray tint, bloating. With regard to the strengthening of the pain, call an ambulance. In anticipation of your doctor, you can take antispasmodic. In chronic pancreatitis occurs dull pain in right side to back after overeating or the consumption of alcohol.

Diseases of the urinary system

The most common cause of pain on the right side of the back, if it is not associated with the spinal column and muscles. The therapist will refer you to a urologist or nephrologist.

  1. Retroperitoneal hematoma or retroperitoneal hematoma – internal bleeding, if you damage the organs of the abdominal cavity. Occurs because of an injury: fall from height, hit in the stomach. Pain in the back and in the abdomen depends on the degree of damage, from the absence of symptoms until the pain shock. Diagnosis according to the results of ULTRASOUND, ct scans and x-rays. Requires medical intervention!
Sometimes the onset of the disease of the kidneys and urinary system is manifested only by pain syndrome in the back with no additional symptoms!
  1. Nephroptosis – displacement of the kidney. At the beginning of the disease the pain on the right side from behind a fickle, stupid. Displayed in an upright position of the body, especially after a strong cough or physical exercise. Passes, if you lie down. Later, the pain increased, can occur renal colic. It is diagnosed by palpation, ULTRASOUND in the position of lying and standing, MAGNETIC resonance imaging. Nephroptosis The first degree omissions of the kidney treated with conservative methods: gymnastics, bandages, treatment in the sanatorium, massage. The second and third degree may require surgery.
  2. Renal colic – obstruction of the upper urinary tract. Intense is the pain in the waist area to the right, gives the area of the pubic area, later expanding across the middle. Can increase the body temperature, can occur vomiting, bloating. Before the ambulance first-aid may enjoy a drink or anticonvulsants. If in addition to the pain there are no other symptoms, good helps warm warmer. Waiting for the doctor should be located so that the kidneys to be on top of the bladder (a semi-sitting position of the body).
  3. Urolithiasis – kidney stones – formation of stones in the urinary system. Depending on the location of the stones, the pain can appear in different parts of the back: in renal a blunt pain deep in the back, in the renal pelvis — gives the right hypochondrium, in the upper divisions ureter – acute unbearable lower back pain while driving, can be spread in the area of hypochondrium to the groin. With the presence of stones in the lower part of the ureter – severe pain in the lower part of the waist with the transition to the genitals. Is diagnosed with urine tests, ULTRASOUND, MAGNETIC resonance imaging. Treated with conservative or direct method (choice of doctor). Often the doctors prescribe herbs: dill, lavender, calendula, leaves, cranberries, st. john's wort, sage, wild rose and other. The pharmacy that sold special herbs kidney fees.
  4. Hydronephrosis – extension of the renal pelvis. The pain of these, does not depend on the position of the body. The urine may darken and painted in brown tones — this is a sign of the presence of blood. The pain, sometimes be felt symptoms of renal colic, the weakness of the, nausea. Is diagnosed with the help of ULTRASOUND and x-ray. Treated in hospital, required the excretion of urine for the reduction of pressure in the kidney.
  5. Pyelonephritis – a bacterial inflammation of the kidneys. The pain of these stupid, sometimes around, does not depend on the position of the body, may be similar to renal colic. Additional symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate, swelling of the face and limbs. Diagnosed with blood tests and urine test, ULTRASOUND, ct scan, mri, x-ray. Is treated with antibiotics, which should prescribe the doctor with the test results.
  6. Abscess kidney – purulent inflammation. Rare: as a consequence of pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Acute pain, acute. The symptoms are similar to pyelonephritis, in addition, you may receive chills, thirst. Required call intensive care, and emergency surgery!

Problems with the spine, vertebral column

Characteristic of this type of pain is amplified or subside depending on the movements and positions of the body. The doctor may refer to an orthopedic, neurologist, therapist.

  1. Back pain – degenerative disorders in joint cartilage. The pain is stupid, depending on the location it gives in the shoulder, the arm or the leg, the sacrum and the buttocks. In humans it is difficult to bend, to straighten his back. Osteochondrosis In gym class, sudden movements, long static position sense is enhanced, in a quiet — retreat. For the relief of the situation, relief from muscle spasm and inflammation. To treatment used anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, warm ointments, often doctors prescribe physical therapy: paraffin wax application, phonophoresis, laser therapy. When osteochondrosis. useful therapeutic massage.
  2. Spondylosis – deformation of the vertebrae due to a growth of the bone. Shoots compression around nerve endings and cause pain, stupid, one-way pain, that does not depend on the position of the body and time of day. If, on palpation, the pressure in the painful phase, will be presented to acute back pain. In the lumbar form sometimes occurs numbness of the feet. Is diagnosed with the help of x-ray, MAGNETIC resonance imaging. Treated with analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, useful massage and electrophoresis.
  3. Intervertebral hernia – a bulge of the intervertebral disc. It is characterized by constant pulling, aching pain that worsens towards the end of the day. With sharp movements can have a feeling of οσφυαλγίαα, acute flash of pain. Feel is enhanced with turns to the side, slopes and disappear in the supine position. To ease the situation, you can take a painkiller (paracetamol, analgin, novocaine). The treatment is aimed at relief of pain and inflammation, referred to PHYSIOTHERAPY and massage. Surgery — a rare and serious indications.
  4. Radiculopathy (sciatica) – the defeat of the roots of the spinal cord. In most cases, due to degenerative disc disease, intervertebral hernia, or stenosis (narrowing of the spine canals). The pain is strong — acute or stupid, it gives various parts of the spine. It is characterized by loss of sensitivity to certain areas of the muscles of the back, this process is accompanied with numbness or tingling, burning sensation. The treatment is aimed at identifying and addressing the causes appearance of symptoms. For the relief of the situation, take medication, get a massage, enjoy special ointments . From folk remedies help bath and offer natural wool in the affected area.

The pain has a different character, occurs to all sorts of reasons, it's not always easy to determine.

The most important – quickly contact your doctor. Many diseases are treated a lot easier, less expensive in time and cheaper than the money, if detected in the early stages of the occurrence. Take care of your health!