Why my back hurts: main causes and ways to treat

Almost every second person aged 16-18 years old periodically complains that it hurts my back. In the last few years these problems are characterized even for teenagers, as well as the frequency of complaints among adults for back pain grows and grows. When you do this for medical assistance is only one-fifth of them. Others prefer to "cope" with our powers, leaning on painkillers and hoping that the unpleasant feelings will pass by themselves.

the pain in the back

Everyone will have to adjust with accuracy, because my back hurts in this particular case, because this symptom is facing serious health problems.

Causes of pain

In relatively young and healthy people my back hurts it's usually the variable over. It is the cause of lumbar pain, with complaints that doctors are turning to 85% of patients. You don't have to be a weightlifter, make physical effect on the professional specialty, or to be enthusiastic country-garden projects, to get the problem with the back. Permanent immersion in that same pose, for example, when working on the computer, provides over-voltage, which is reason, why my back hurts. The recommendations of the doctors to rely on your chair and perching on it deep have been an important reason. Heavy bags, transported from the supermarket to the home, can give the same result.

A diagnosis of "fatigue back" in medical terminology, there isn't. The pain that are mild in nature, are charged to "unspecified causes" and treated with rest and a proper landing. Greater attention given to them, if feeling does not go away within two weeks, accompanied by additional symptoms, or have a specific periodicity. To determine why my back hurts, I need a number of hardware studies and consultations with doctors of various specialties.

Compression fracture

If you believe that the data of the World health organization, up to 4% of all age patients, with a bad back, suffer from a compression fracture. Under this diagnosis means a crack formed in the vertebra, without any particularly strong external influence. Is the fracture, common in elderly? among young people in the age group in this prone patients osteoporosis of the spine. Reduced bone density is unreliable is experiencing gravity. The fracture can occur even under the influence of the weight of the patient, and you won't notice it's just I note that my back hurts, why – is not clear. For this reason, compression fractures, the traumatic consequences are not your concern.

What should I do if my back hurts because of this injury, the details will tell the doctor. The state saving full calmness, strict bed rest and medical course, able to reduce the pain.

Problems from the side of the spine



It is a chronic disease, can affect people of any age, social status and gender. With the development of degenerative disc disease height in the intervertebral disc decreases, reducing the mobility of the whole section of the spine, over time, complications arise not only from the side of the mountain range, but also from the side of the internal organs.


This disease suffer up to 7 % of the population. And this is the spondylolisthesis is fairly rare: many patients until the last moment unaware of the indicative sharp pain occurring in the middle. In principle, the disease can affect any part of the spine, but most often affects the fifth lumbar vertebra. The leg is deformed, with the result that it begins to repere to the located below it, to make a knob when you do this, either back or forward. Metaphorically speaking, when spondylolisthesis spine stops a reminder post – it looks more like a ladder.

The disease manifests itself in the fact that constantly pain in the back, the pain may spread to the buttocks, in some cases, – on the lower extremities. However, if the disease is not very advanced sense is not too sharp, and allows patients to ignore them.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Is bechterew's disease. It affects mainly men, and of every age. Women patients is only 16-17 %. When spondylitis inflammation of the joints of the chords? disease is progressive in nature. It usually starts with lumbar, but in the absence of reaction, i.e. the appropriate treatment, quite quickly spreads to the chest, and then – and of the cervical segments. In other words does the back: if it hurts fillets, and soon the whole body will not stay on the sidelines.

The first symptoms are stiffness in lower part of the trunk accompanied by a severe pain syndrome. It is noted tension around the dorsal muscle, which is permanent and not until the end recedes even during the long vacation. Almost all patients complain hip? over time, the bechterew's disease affects the connective tissues of the cardiovascular system, the lungs and the kidneys. In medicine, describes the selected cases, in which spondylitis was affected and even the eyes.

Herniated disc

The pathology of the intervertebral discs is widespread. Most often the problem faced by mature men, 40 and older, but can be developed at very younger age. Contribute to the emergence of herniated intervertebral disk can:

intervertebral hernia
  • excess weight – is the one who in the last few years are the most frequent causes factor?
  • heavy physical work or workout with weighting it?
  • injury to the corresponding portion of the spine?
  • prolonged exposure to sitting position (especially if the workplace is organized correctly, with the poor performance of orthopedic recommendations);
  • cause diseases: dysplasia of the hip joints in childhood, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

The mechanism of the development of the hernia is in a degeneration of the tissues, such as connective and muscle. It is not supported by the muscularis girdle vertebral column begins to sink, rims – simulat and squeezed outside the post. As a result, the patient have a really bad back, especially during lifting weights or when you rotate the inclinavit se position. Pain is also enhanced when you sneeze or cough, harsh or unusual movements. Among the additional symptoms — numbness, tingling, or the wattage in the legs, crawling from the "creepy" and other not very pleasant feeling.


This is one of the rarer causes, what hurts my back. The diagnosis is only about 0,01% of patients return to the doctor. Starts osteomyelitis due to penetration of the spinal column, infection, often with the flow of blood from the channel of the urinary tract. Insidious disease is that it evolves gradually and imperceptibly, the disease, the patient learns, when my back hurts and the temperature rises, sometimes up to dangerous parameters.

However, it is worth to mention: if you have pain from the waist or shoulders, while the thermometer has confirmed that you are ill, this does not mean that you have osteomyelitis. The same the clinical picture observed in many infectious diseases, – during the same flu, for example. So, if you have a bad back, what to do, we have to decide the doctor. Otherwise, you can start the treatment of infection of the spine, while we have to fight with a more known disease.

Pain in the back can be provided and strong scoliosis, and sciatica (in this case, the volume can crescere until index "unbearable"), and a lot of other problems with the spine. If you are concerned about the issue, what to do with the pain in the back, change the attention and stress to determine the exact diagnosis. Only an expert can understand which course of treatment you need.

Not only is the spine

between the scapulae.

How to get rid of pains in the back? Many people believe that it is in a position to tell only the orthopedics or spine. However, this part of the body can hint at for us and for the problems with the internal organs, in which the vertebral column has no connection:

  • if my back hurts to the left, in the upper part of the trunk, has pain, but sometimes rapiente character, this symptom can be a harbinger of a heart attack. In any case, the heart is clearly a problem, so that to visit a cardiologist as soon as possible?
  • pain, that affects the middle and the datum usque in the foot, often indicate inflammatory processes, running on the kidneys, or organs that are covered by the jurisdiction of the gynecologist. Description sensations – the design, sharp, throbbing. Sometimes the pain is transferred and in the inguinal area?
  • pain in the area between blades often speak of diseases of the digestive system. Some of these are given in the lower back and the patient starts the treatment of non-existent has sciatica?
  • mild pain in the back, especially in one of the lower extremities and increasing during driving or in a sitting position, he can talk about sciatica, inflammation, or jamming sciatic nerve?
  • deaf, but felt pain at the blade, a migrant in the centre of the spine and it's getting worse when the turns of the casing, either during inhalation, a clear signal for problems with the lungs. In some cases, manifest themselves with heart disease.

If the treatment of back pain, which is recommended for most patients with vertebrate diagnoses, proves ineffective, if the intensity of the pain does not depend on the position (sitting, standing, lying down), most likely, the problem is not in the ridge, and some of the internal organs.

In all these cases, a psychologist should be treated. My back hurts doesn't with saline reasons, but because of internal turmoil. And while you won't be eliminated (or the patient with him won't last), discomfort eliminate the impossible. Even painkillers will act many times weaker than what was planned.

The basics of therapeutic

The main issue for patients is the same, sacramental: of the treatment? My back hurts – the symptom should be gone, not prevented to live and work. However, it is very, very limited view of the problem. Withdrawal symptoms solves the problem temporarily. If you don't deal with the disease that caused the growth, pain syndrome will return again and again.

If the pain in the back caused by problems with the spinal column, usually used a standard set of therapeutic methods, which are cleaned in accordance with a specific diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient. Included in this are:

back treatment
  • anti-inflammatory drugs nonsteroid series. At the same time relief from back pain, and from ortum either generandi them of the inflammatory process. If pain syndrome is very strong, then the medications are administered intramuscularly it? in more difficult cases, these are supplemented by analgesics and narcotic substances. As a supportive medication used vitamin complexes, muscle relaxants, increase the action nonsteroids, antihistamines. If back pain is caused by some primary disease, a course of treatment for this – and it applies from the very first days, regardless of the intensity of the pain?
  • physiotherapy. This is attributed to, when the acute attack is connected, and the process can cause exacerbations or complications. Between highly popular and effective effects — electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupuncture. In the last few years, it is highly recommended by doctors hydrokinesotherapy — toning breaking elongation of the vertebral column, is held in a basin of hot water?
  • physical therapy. Without it can not do almost all of the diagnoses. The distortion and deterioration of the spine should proceed, if the tactic is not to take the right position. The gym should be part of the life of the patient and after dealing with lumbar pain.

If back pain occur due to the development of the disease in any of the internal organs, then the treatment will change drastically. The first stage will remain the same, except that you will only include painkillers, drugs (if the inflammation is not able to be installed in the patient's body). In the second stage the treatment is aimed at treatment of the primary pathology: the treatment of the cardiovascular, digestive or urinary tract. This is justified, after all the pain in the back is in no way associated with the normal situation.

Cases of psychosomatic problems with the back law can be considered to be the most difficult for the patient. You will need to pass a comprehensive examination and to get advice series experts, to cut the likelihood of not only vertebrate diseases, and problems with internal organs. And then – have a conversation (and not one) with a professional-a psychologist. In our country the doctor is perceived as something her unpresentable. Unfortunately, without his help, the patient will have to come to terms with the fact that she constantly has back pain: get rid of the internal problems on your own it turns out that read in units of patients.