Pain in the left side of the side of the back

Pain on the left side with the back part, affect the quality of life of man, therefore, when must be timely treatment. The pain can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging pinched vertebrae or problems with the digestive system, and ends with the development of serious diseases. So first, you need to make an accurate diagnosis, because in the wrong or untimely treatment complications can arise. Read more about the causes and treatment of pain in the left side will be discussed in this article.

Possible causes

pain in the left side of the side of the back

Doctors conventionally share the pain on the left side of the two groups. The first has a direct relationship with pathologies of the back, and the second with diseases of the internal organs and systems. The syndrome can wear a temporary nature, i.e. to show up for a few hours and then on their own to disappear. But the pain can disrupt the patient throughout the course of the day. May have a fixed intensity or gradually strengthened, which gives you a lot of discomfort to the patient, complicating our way of life.

The most common factors that contribute to the appearance of pain in the left part of the back, include:

  • the development of diseases of the spine, such as sciatica, herniated vertebral disc, or back pain;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (for example, angina or heart attack);
  • diseases of urogenital and urinary systems?
  • pregnancy?
  • violation of respiratory function, including the development of pneumonia;
  • problems with the work of the digestive system (Crohn's disease, pancreatitis, and other);
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system?
  • development of left pyelonephritis inflammatory disease of the kidneys, accompanied by pain syndrome on the left side?
  • bad or unbalanced diet, which occurs intestinal colic. In this case, the result of the frequent consumption of unhealthy food is the appearance of discomfort in the back.

Note! Cause pain syndrome can be quite severe illnesses, to get rid of which can only with pharmaceutical treatment. Careful diagnostic examination will allow the avoidance of the decision the wrong diagnosis and to speed up the process of recovery.

Related symptoms

related symptoms

Regardless of what exactly is the factor caused the appearance of pain, often the problem has to do with the pathological changes of the structure of the intervertebral disc on the left side. In such cases, happens to pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord. Typically, this disease process is accompanied by a steep shot, the intensity of which can be enhanced during driving. But because it is painful and sometimes may be associated with different pathologies, the clinical picture may also change. For example, in case of problems with the work of the digestive system often occurs with nausea, decreased appetite or vomiting.

Often the pain in the region of the back accompanied by a reduction of the sensitivity in the legs, especially in the morning, common triggers for urination or increase in the temperature of the body. In such cases, the cause of unpleasant sensations can be some illness, therefore, it is extremely important that timely and properly to describe the resulting symptoms to the doctor.

Ways of diagnosis

When you see suspicious symptoms, including pain on the left side, you should immediately contact your doctor. In this case, assistance is required a neurologist or a psychiatrist who in turn will pass a diagnostic test. In rare cases, you may want to ask for help medicus-osteopath for the study of bone and muscle tissue for any pathological changes.

During the diagnosis, the patient may prescribe the following procedures:

  • laboratory analysis of urine and blood?
  • biochemical analysis of the blood?
  • an x-ray examination?
  • the ct scan?
  • fluorography you?
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy it?
  • mrl?
  • ultrasound pelvis.

In the note! As a supplement, your doctor may is the differential diagnosis, such as pain in the left side can occur as a result of myocardial infarction and preinfarction of condition of the patient. This research will exclude the existence of these factors.


Based on results of scientific studies that have been conducted, the doctor can put the exact diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that disease, able to cause pain syndrome, can be enough, with the treatment, doctors apply all the efforts to eliminate the source of unpleasant symptoms conservative way.

Provision of first aid

The first thing you should do when you receive the pain syndrome on the left side for help, consult your doctor. But if you visit a clinic soon features no, then they can quickly take measures for the relief of the patient's condition. This is not about taking pain-relieving drugs, use of which without the consent of your doctor recommend that you don't. The provision of first aid is to the therapeutic massage, since it is the most effective method of dealing with the various problems of the back.

Only an expert could pass therapeutic massage properly, but still there are more simple techniques, for the performance of which no special skills are required. As long as placed correctly on the patient. The following is a step-by-step instructions, allowing you to ease the condition of the patient at home.

After the completion of the therapeutic process, the patient needs peace and relaxation, but to enhance the therapeutic effect of should cover the warm plaid or a blanket. All kinds of physical activity should be completely excluded.


As previously mentioned, the best therapeutic agent in bolevom syndrome is a massage. But if the house will give a little effect to eliminate unpleasant symptom for a certain period of time, for the best result you need the help of an expert. Massage process should begin with the planet falsification of lumbar spine and gradually move up your body with the cervical portion. All actions in the execution plan massage should be agreed with your doctor, as there are certain contraindications for the execution of the procedure.


If the pain in his side brings a stabbing character, is, probably, one of the symptoms of colitis. In such cases, the diagnosis and the treatment must be a gastroenterologist, who after conducting all the necessary tests will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Feature of colitis is that when you ignore the symptoms for over a certain period of time may need surgery.

The development of necrosis and myocardial infarction, as a rule, accompanied by a moody or sharp pain in the left side of the body, often accompanied by violation of the respiratory function. Only urgent hospitalization of the patient it will save his life, so ignore the above symptoms. If the resulting pain brings a sharp character, then doctors recommend to use antispasmodic drugs to relieve the situation. But therapeutic effect in this case, it will last for a long time, therefore, for the decrees accurate diagnosis you will need as soon as possible for assistance, consult your doctor.

As conclusions

Regardless of what the weather is the pain in the left side of the design, sharp, obtuse, acute, or pain, contact your doctor should be immediate, because at stake is not only the health, but also your life. It doesn't make sense to rely on the fact, that the pain, in time it will pass alone, if you try to ignore it or take pain relievers. You need help of specialized professionals, and no self-medication, because for the time lost, you can pay too great a price.