Pulling pain in the legs and the middle of the

This kind of pain it prevents, not only to live, but even to walk. How is it demonstrated that pain irritation, on the back, can penetrate to hair follicle in the end and lead to claudication; If the source is located much higher than we feel the effect at this distance: back pain, but numb and pulled the legs. How pain in the back gives the foot?

foot massage

Causes giving pain in the feet can make ac, back pain, hernia, tumor and stress

This happens thanks to nervous reflex nature of pain, its ability to spreads all along the nerve that exits the spinal cord. If this nerve is somewhere is disturbed, then there is a small reaction.

One of the possible causes of pain in the feet can be inflamed sciatic nerve

In lumbosacral section is mesh of nerve fibers that originate from the vertebrae l4, L5 and S1 — S3. This grid is called the sciatic nerve. Get out of the pear-shaped muscle, literally forks in the thighs and ankle muscles and joints, as the most powerful and long nerve in the human body.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve responding like that to the lower extremities. The pain, which appeared on the back and given to the feet, called lumbosciatica. Usually suffers (pain or pulling) one foot on the side of the nerve, but can be two-way reaction, in which both my legs hurt.

The pain is not limited, and the sick, follow other unpleasant sensations:

  • The legs gave, they lose their sensitivity, traction, or are numb

If it is affected the nerve at the level of the sanctuary, with the participation of the muscles the buttocks and thighs, pain syndrome from the sacrum and up to the leg is called sciatica.

Very often people share the pain in the back and leg in two different categories and I don't see the cause. "I have a pain in his right knee, numb foot. I can't stand in the middle and climb the stairs", I describe in detail the state of their limbs, ignoring the pain in his back that all that preceded it. She wonders also "impotence" of physicians, who instead of tackling osteoarthritis of the knee, all of a sudden they start to make the spine.

But this is the spinal column with the provocative nervous, muscular-ligament and circulatory system are the main cause of sciatica.

Why it hurts, pulls and legs are numb

  1. Conventional current may be the cause of back pain in the back, giving the foot. The same consequences can be sitting on a cold surface swimming in cold water, and similar causes. All you can combine them with the term "hypothermia"
  2. Back pain — dystrophic degenerative process lumbosacral magazines section leads to a sharp pain, giving in to the extremities. The reason for the — deformation of the disc, touching nerve fiber and cause inflammation
  3. Training protrusion and intervertebral hernia can cause pain syndrome is very high intensity, if this is compression of the nerve. Pain impulse is spread in an area of neurosis with the speed of the current. I wonder what a thrill for the affected side and resemble the symptoms lesions the mild current: Tingling, burning, crawling, a chill, feeling of cold. These symptoms are called paresthesia. If the legs don't hurt, but it only went numb, then this may mean that due to the long duration of the compression of nerve fibers, in them began atrophic processes
  4. Other diseases (spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis) leads to a limitation of mobility, and stagnant phenomena in the tissues of the bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, which stimulates inflammatory processes
  5. Tumors of the spine, and tuberculosis can also cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve and sensation that pulls and numbness in the extremities
  6. Stress is not a harmless phenomenon, and it's never affected, particularly involving the nerves

Classification of pain of the back and legs

the pain gives-the-foot

In principle, all kinds of back pain, giving to extremes, can under certain conditions determine in three main groups:

  1. The first group is associated with a neuroreflex the nature of pain and of pathological processes in the spine.

    Here you can put all of the VPD (degenerative-dystrophic processes), because of which violated all metabolic processes in the tissues and their diet, as well as infectious, inflammatory diseases and congenital malformation of the spine. Threat to the kind of nerve fiber here is double:

    • Will be subject to direct mechanical stress on the side ligaments of the spine
    • Dystrophic changes begin to occur in the same nerve fibers
  2. The second group is associated with muscle dysfunction in the back or legs. The causes of the series is different. Is:
    • Scoliosis of the spine, in which is formed the asymmetry of the muscle groups that are located on both sides of the arc
    • Increased load on specific muscles as a result of an awkward posture or physical wave
    • Muscle myositis, caused by hypothermia, infectious processes or congenital abnormalities
    • The pain in the legs is often occurs with a fairly banal reason — walking in high heels Cause pain in the legs can become uncomfortable high heels
  3. Dysfunction of the autonomic system — the third type of origin sciatica

    Vegetative-visceral disorders is a huge symptom, leaves the which includes all the disorders in the function of internal organs and systems of the body, associated with impaired regulation of the autonomic nervous system (VNS)

    The autonomic system is closely connected with the central in accordance with the principle of direct and feedback:

    • Dysfunctions in the central nervous system, local damage to spinal nerves and fibers that create disorders in work VNS
    • Autonomic disorders include response of the nerve of the central nervous system, in the area of innervation that are

    Very often, problems with your feet can occur when vegetative-vascular disorders in the area of the sanctuary of the section of the back. Poor blood circulation can lead to pain feeling in back and limbs, in the dystrophy of the muscles of the legs.

Summing the above, we can conclude:

Find out why it hurts, pulls and legs numb from the pain, originate in the back, it can be only after careful diagnosis:

  • The elements of story
  • X-ray, computed and magnetic board studies of the spine
  • Angiography vessels
  • Laboratory studies, etc.

Treatment of pain in the back and legs

The treatment should be fully sufficient grounds of illness.

  1. If a pain syndrome derived from the VPD, are:
    • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
    • Traction techniques (stretching of the spine by using the exhaust devices)
    • Manual therapy and acupuncture
    • The application of currents of low frequency, magnetic therapy, and other physiotherapy materials techniques
    • Exercises therapeutic exercise
  2. When the muscular impairment caused by scoliosis, in addition apply:
    • Special corrective exercises
    • Wearing a corset
  3. Treatment of myositis is successfully carried out:
    • Irritating ointments (if myositis is not caused by infection)
    • Massage, go in for physical therapy
    • In some cases, you may need antimicrobial therapy
  4. When vascular dystonia prescribed treatment:
    • Vasodilator through
    • Angioprotectors
    • Vitamins and stimulants of metabolism
    • Sedatives sedatives

Treatment reflecting the pain — it's always a long process, as these typically occur in chronic old disease, is reflected in the nervous system of man

Therefore, if you got sick back, try to immediately determine the cause of the pain and start the treatment without waiting for the moment you begin to ache, numb, or to pull the legs.

If the pain in the back gives you in the leg, first think of low back pain (sciatica) or sciatica. Especially if you are numb fingers, and my leg. Most often this happens. And few remember that similar symptoms can be and at other diseases, for example, in the acute appendicitis.

foot pain and back


  1. The most common cause is the pathology of the vertebral column (lumbago, scoliosis, sciatica, sciatica, herniated vertebral disc, spondylitis, spondylolisthesis and other diseases of degenerative nature, as well as post-traumatic complications, tumor and infectious process);
  2. The pathology of the organs of the lower divisions of the abdomen (kidney stones, cystitis, salpingitis, glue procedure, inguinal hernia, appendicitis and other).

Important: For rare diseases, leads to the appearance described in our syndrome, we must not forget.

Diseases of the bones, the muscles of the structure

Syndrome back pain associated with disease of the spine and spreads to the lower edge, called lumbosciatica.

When degenerative process in the lumbar spine pain most often develops due to the compression of the nerve roots and gives the bottom end of the main nerve-sacral plexus — ισχιακά, which is divided into fibular and tibial. The last gives the popliteal fossa authority of the nerves of the foot.

Nerve root compression occurs when the destruction of the intervertebral cartilage under degenerative-dystrophic reactions. When you do this, it decreases the distance between the vertebrae, and, consequently, are less holes for the spinal roots. When intervertebral hernia, they are stimulated directly protrusion of a hernia, in tumors from pathological fabrics neoplasms, when spondylosis — bony growths, called osteophytes.

In the context of the pathological process is always evolving inflammatory reaction in the form of edema and disorders of the function of the surrounding tissues, the circulation of the blood worsens the affected area, are oppressed by the normal metabolic processes. The consequence of which is the increase of the muscle tone in the area of innervation strangulated radicals, which leads to an increase of pain.

Development changes in the spine, usually noted by the end of the processes of ossification of approximately 25 years and is considered a normal saline phenomenon. Is the premature aging of bones, cartilage structures, you can pause, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and strengthen the muscles of the back special exercises.

The different character of pain

Diseases of the spinal cord manifest themselves as forms of sciatica:

  • Muscle-tonic — manifested a strong sharp spasm, when it develops a compensatory scoliosis of the spine, the movement in the back is limited?
  • Vegetative-vascular — pain syndrome burning character, accompanied by a sensation of numbness in the foot area, may appear feeling of chill or heat in the extremities, especially when you try to change the position of the body. That's a reaction of the vascular system in pathological process?
  • Neurodystrophic — developed burning spasm mostly at night, sometimes the skin above the pathological from the point of thinner.

Important: Often pain syndrome brings mixed character. A figure of sciatica in pure form is rare.

Clinical manifestations of certain diseases of the spine

  1. When osteochondrosis. pain syndrome can be acute or chronic. Acute pain that occurs after a sudden movement or lifting weight. Often when you do this, you are numb and both legs, back pain area of the hip joints, and the movement back dramatically limited.

Chronic pain is almost a constant companion of life, in which almost used to it, like the light interval is too small. When you do this, it pulls in the lumbar region, and during the course of the branches of the sciatic nerve.

  1. When intervertebral hernia, localized in the lumbar spine, the pain may not be enough, but it disturbed the function of the pelvic organs: often pulls a "pee in toilet", may develop incontinence of urine, in the legs it is noted tingling and crawling chills".

With the development of the pain may progress to paralysis of the lower limbs, due to the complete compression of the vessel motor roots. But most of the times, as serious consequences of pathological process finally comes.

  1. When the sciatica back pain in the back gives you in the leg, when this occurs claudication, aching muscles and pulls. It can reduce the sensitivity posterolateral surface of the tibia and in the back part of the foot. Relief comes in the prone position, rotate when you do this, you need to be relaxed. Sometimes the pain syndrome is weakened in "attitude of the fetus".

Pathology of internal organs

Often pains in the back, giving the foot, is the manifestation of the pathology of the internal organs. This strand is tingling, along the nerve pulls, and the pain can also be given in the groin.

  1. Kidney stones can manifest described the symptom, when the stone comes into the ureter it?
  2. When adhesive disease nerves can push pins in?
  3. Salpingitis, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, also, manifest pain in lumbosacral portion and the leg from the side of the injury?
  4. Acute appendicitis in atypical location vermiform strain (retroperitoneal in the back part of the cecum) is manifested in the reform of pain in the lumbar region from the right, which gives the right leg. If in a supine lift right leg straight, then they will spontaneously bend and unfolds to the outside.

Similar phenomena are explained characteristics of neurosis organs of the pelvis and legs.