The formation of the correct posture in children

The formation of the correct posture in children depends to a large extent from the environment. The responsibilities of parents, as well as the staff of the preschool and school institutions is included follow the correct position when standing, the seat and legs, as well as to use the exercises, educational, mainly, the muscles of the back, legs and abdomen. This is necessary in order for the child to develop the natural muscular system.

For the spine, and the changes

Spine (spine.) it is the main part of the axial skeleton of man and consists of 33-34 vertebrae, which are connected by links and joints.

In the womb of the mother children's spine looks like a uniform arc. When you see the child in the light, the spine straightens and becomes a kind of almost a straight line. Right from birth, begins to form the posture. If you have a ability to maintain head in upright position, the cervical spine of the child gradually occurs bending forward, the so-called cervical lordosis. If came the hour, when the child is already able to sit, thoracic the spinal column also formed bending, only facing backwards (kyphosis). And if the child begins to walk the lumbar spine over time formed a curve with a hump, which is forward facing. Is lumbar lordosis. This is why it is important to monitor the further correct formation of children's attitude.

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About the attitude of the body and the human

Attitude of the body is called the human ability to keep your body in different positions. Is right and wrong.

The attitude of the body is considered to be correct, if comfortable standing person, while in the normal posture, not making unnecessary the active trends and keeps the head and body straight. Besides, it has easy walking, slightly drooping and is intended behind the shoulders, with the aim of the chest forward, room, belly, and legs, straight in knees.

When incorrect posture the man does not know how to properly keep your body, therefore, as a rule, stands and moves to the floor-bent legs, drooping shoulders and head, and extending forward to the abdomen. When the posture of the body disrupting the normal function of internal organs.

Various disorders of posture, either this is clumsy, lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine) – it is quite common in children of preschool and school age. Mainly, it's the kids or physically weakened, or suffering from some chronic disease, or who already suffer from serious diseases in early childhood.

Prevention of posture

Prevention of any infringements, related to the attitude of the body, must be comprehensive and based on the following principles.

The correct diet.

Constantly developing organism of the child throughout the duration of the development needs of useful nutrient. Meals should be a full and varied, as this depends on how correct will be the development of muscle and bone.

Kinetic activity.

It is very important for the health of infant posture physical exercises, various sports (features, walking, skiing and swimming), gymnastics, as well as tourism, active games, outdoor activities, etc. it Should be borne in mind, that physical development should not be encourage your child to make sudden and quick loads.

The correct mode of the day.

To avoid problems with the posture, you will need not only to arrange the correct function days (time for a walk, sleep, alertness, diet, etc.), but strictly, without making any exception, for example, on the weekends.

Comfortable children's room.

  • The room must have lighting quality. Additionally table lamp must be supplied child's desk.
  • The height of the table must match the child's development. There are also special desks, intended for the correction of body posture, pupil.
  • The chair will have to repeat the curves of the body. So, instead of an orthopedic chair can put behind his back at the level of the lumbar pad in addition to the normal chair. The height of the chair in the ideal case, should be equal to the height of the shank. Use the brace for the legs, if you don't reach the floor.
  • The child should sit so that his back was supported on the back of the chair, and bows his head slightly forward, and between the body and the office easy to pass phoenix fin. When he can't clean your legs under yourself, as this can lead to deformation of the spine and disruption of the circulation of the blood.
  • In a child's bed should be smooth and solid layer. Thanks to this type of the body weight of the child is distributed evenly and the muscles maximum relax after a vertical position of the torso throughout the day. Don't let the child sleeps on a soft surface. This causes the formation of false curves of the spine during sleep. In addition to this, a soft layer stimulates согревание of the intervertebral discs, which violated thermo-setting. In terms of the child's pillow should be flat and it is located exclusively below the head, and not below the shoulders.

Smart correction shoes.

The correct, accurate and timely selection of children's shoes allows parents to prevent and even eliminate a lot of problems, such as the functional shortening of the limb, due to violation of posture, or compensation for defects stop (ραιβοϊπποποδία and flat feet).

Uniform distribution of the load.

It is known that most of the times it is at school age, when children observed a rapid increase of bone and muscle mass, it is, unfortunately, acquire a curvature of the spine. This is for the reason that at this age the spine of the child is not suitable for large loads. Parents should try not to overload your child when wearing the bag, backpack or portfolio. Remember that in accordance with the weight allowed to lift the child it is 10% of the total mass of the body.

Back the school bag should be smooth and stable, the width should not be greater than the width of the shoulder. Also jetpack should not hang below the belt and straps for this should be soft and wide, adjustable in length. It is unacceptable for a long period of time, wearing heavy bags on one of the shoulders, which is especially important for girls. In this case, the curvature of the spine may become an unavoidable problem.

With regard to the proper transfer of weight, it is known that bow, take the weight and to increase – it's a huge load on the spine and not to do it. The right thing would be to first sit down with a flat back, then, to take, to hold you in my arms, to get up and attributed. And as a tip to the parents, even if you yourself do not follow this rule, you can teach your child.

The formation of the correct posture

To stimulate the growth and development of the muscles of the child, you can safely start from the moment of his birth. Their growth and strength will develop faster. For infants great help in this is the massage (with a doctor's prescription).

The child at the age of 2-3 months, you can start to do the exercises in the workout the muscle groups responsible for maintaining the body in correct position. To do this enough you will by using the palms to lift the child, translated from position "lying" in place of "up", after which the very to keep him in weight. In this position the muscles and joints of the child will move, an educator, and with all the muscle groups.

After 1.5 years in the form of a game with the child can begin some sport. Together you can "chop the wood", "cat" выгибать back, "draws water," walk the line, like a tightrope, roll on the floor, crossing natural obstacles, etc. You may ask the child to visualize the bird: lie down on your stomach, "stretch their wings" (hold your hands from side to side) and keep it to the ankles of the feet.

The posture of the child is formed until adolescence. All this time you have to watch out for the formation. If your child has already been occur the particular violation until the start of this period can be fixed. This child will need to regularly visit the doctor the orthopedic surgeon, and has stock and go through all the available types of treatment. This can be a therapeutic exercise, swimming, massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy, and surgical treatment (in accordance with).

Useful exercises

For the formation of correct posture in children, as well as the prevention of violations throughout the morning gymnastics, physical culture, and during these minutes in the house and, especially, in children of preschool and school institutions, you can use a number of useful exercises. The following are examples of such exercises.

  • A child standing on one leg or go around the stump.
  • Holding behind the back wrap, and makes the child tilting to the side.
  • Holding in his hands a stick, the kid bends over, standing on tiptoe.
  • Разведя hands on the side, makes the child leans back.
  • By putting your legs apart, and holding in his hands a stick, the child, прогнувшись, do a forward tilt.
  • The child lifts the feet up, while lying on his back.
  • A child who crawls on all fours.
  • The child, while maintaining correct posture, walking, keeping a load on the head.
  • Fallen hands the child holds the wand for the edges and lifting up the hands in the air, setting the stage for the wand behind his back, after which toggles tilt to the left and to the right.
  • Using a horizontal line or a Swedish wall, the child, holding tightly with the hands crossbar, bending the legs at a right angle and is in this position for a few seconds.
  • While it is in a position with feet together, hands omit", the child takes your right leg back and brings to the fore his hands on the hand and it freezes, after which repeat the exercise with the left leg.
  • Lying on your back, the child with the help of the legs turning the pedals the bike" or depicts the "scissors".
  • Located in the stomach, the child lifts the knees bent legs, bows at the ankles with the hands and starts to wiggle, as лодочка in the waves.
  • Standing in front of the mirror, the child, alternately, first violates, and then corrects the posture of the body.
  • The child becomes the wall five points (back of the head, shoulder, buttocks, calves and heels). These points are the basic curves of the body towards the outside and well I have to come in contact with the wall. After this, it performs various movements, for example squats or breeding arms and legs to the side, stretching the muscles an average of 5 seconds.


Dear parents, to remind and says to the kid "get up" of course, you have to, but that still is not enough. Start to worry about the health of children "in diapers" and be sure to find time for activities with them. Important point in the formation of the correct posture of the child is the personal example. Exercise together with your baby, keep your back straight and be healthy!